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Is height inversely proportional to magical power?

May 23, 2024

Katie once tried to argue that it was, claiming that her enormous magical power for someone her age was the cause of her stunted growth. She also cited the fact that Timmy, who she considered to be obnoxiously tall, was not known for his raw power, at least in comparison to other Grand Necromancers.

Gerald’s arrival was semi-confirmation of her idea. In particular, Gerald is a fair bit taller than Timmy and most of the other human characters. Although he does have a pretty decent amount of magic, his raw power is not considered particularly exceptional.

However, Katie’s hypothesis ran into two very big problems.

Avraniel is considered taller than average l for a female elf, and her raw magical power is tremendous. Likewise, Vicky is also considered above average in height for a human woman, and she has more raw magical power than any other human character that has been mentioned so far except possibly the emperor.

Clearly, their heights were not impacted by their magical power.

Katie quietly shelved the argument and glares ferociously at Timmy whenever she thinks he might bring it up. Sadly, it would seem that she’s just short.

Incidentally, when Katie reaches her prime, her raw power will be tremendous, in the same league as Vicky, which would make her one of the most powerful people in the world. Of course, given enough time, the most powerful person in the group will be Spot. Dragons do not have to worry about growing old if they can become dragon lords, and their power grows much more rapidly than a vampire’s or a werewolf’s.

From → Original Fiction

One Comment
  1. Jawa permalink

    Kati like Avraniel and Amanda, owe her huge reserves of magic to an “outside” force. IE

    Katie has that as yet unnamed ancestor that Timmy and Amanda both hint at but have thus far failed to expanded upon.

    Avraniel owes hers to *spoiler*

    Amanda owes hers to *spoiler*

    and while all three may have been born with some level or type of magic, it seems as if their current levels of power are due largely to those “outside” forces.

    And if we are comparing Elves and humans and errrr modified humans *spoiler*, then why not include the rats and dwarves. The rats are arguably the smallest recurring characters and several of them possess quite powerful magic. And while the dwarves may be as broad as Katie is tall, they’re also about her height (some taller) and several of them have been shown to posses rather powerful magic.

    I think an argument could also be made that Gerald’s magic might be the most powerful of all. I mean all you’d have to do is get him into the Empire’s Capital or other significant location in the Empire and have him start to unload….though there’s not been a lot of talk regarding the putting in and or taking out of “living” things, only that there’s no telling where the things go and would it be safe or not. I might be wrong on that because I mowed through all the books over the last month or two and it all sort of bleeds together.

    Love this series!! I came here looking for news on book 5 and was not disappointed!

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